- ASC SYSTEMS offers integrated Technology Services and Support Capabilities for: Systems Engineering, Development and Implementation of Advanced Security and Surveillance facilities.
ASC is dedicated to achieving maximum customer satisfaction, so that clients can effectively "Experience the Advantages" afforded by provision of enhanced: - Security Consulting & Analysis - Strategic Systems Engineering - Facilities Technology Integration - High-Quality Surveillance Products - Video/Media/Internet Security Systems - Wireless, Satellite & IT-Networks Access, - - for secured operations in: Financial, Government, Educational, Institutional, or Commercial and Industrial facilities. - ASC SYSTEM'S advanced Technology, Engineering and Support capabilities truly facilitate optimization of Security Systems planning and configuration, including:
- thereby offering real empowerment for Security and Surveillance Systems, thru: Design, Performance and Economics.
Security and Surveillance Systems:
- - Committed to solving customer Security, Surveillance and Safety requirements by offering World-Class Technology and Engineering Services, ASC SYSTEMS provides comprehensive integration and implementation capabilities for:
- FACILITIES SECURITY - - Security Analysis and Evaluation - Physical Monitoring/Authorization - Traffic and Activity Surveillance - Automated Entry / Exit Controls - In-Motion Body MilliMeter Scans - BioMetrics and Facial Recognition - Sensory/Video Remote Supervision - E.GRID/Power & Emission Monitoring - Incident - Interdiction and Recoveries - INFORMATION SECURITY -
- I-T Network Protection / Encryption - Internet / Communications Security - Web / VPN Networks Administration - Video Monitoring and Corraboration - Image and Voice or Speech Analysis - Mobile/Portable Wireless M-Media Nets - Network/Storage Redundancy & Retrival - Integrated I-P Nets & Grid Comm. Security
- Real-Time Internet / CCTV Security - Interactive Video / Audio Monitoring - Imaging Surveillance / Corroboration - Body/Apparel Mobile MilliMeter Scanning - Facial / Eye / Prints Identity & Recognition - Remote Video Conferencing / Broadcasting - Biological & Radiation Scanning or Alarming - Mobile Tracking, Searching & GPS Positioning - Wireless/Satellite WWWeb/E.Grid Video Access
- ASC SYSTEM'S engineering staff has demonstrably provided technology services to assist major international corporations and reputed institutions / organizations, in their achievement of strategic project goals and in accomplishing mission-critical networking and monitoring programs that encompass:
Call on ASC SYSTEMS to: "Empower the Strategic Advantages" of these High-Technology Systems and the Integrated Design Solutions, that are now offered as Professional Service capabilities for your Security and Surveillance requirements.
c 2009 ASC Systems ASC SYSTEMS
Phone: 313/882-1133
Mail: Mack Pl, - 566 St. Clair Sh., MI 48080 U.S.A.
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